Welcome to the European Statistical System Collaborative Network (ESSnet) Web Intelligence Network project. As mentioned in our earlier issue, the overall goal of Work Package 3 is to tap into the potential of new data sources, which will later be integrated into the Web Intelligence Hub, developed by Eurostat. Parallel to exploring the web data sources, we aspire to produce experimental statistics using these new data sources, given that they meet the quality criteria.
Work Package 3 consists of 10 partners, 8 of which are National Statistical Institutes and two regional statistical authorities. Our partners are GUS-Statistics Poland, STATA-Statistics Austria, BNSI-Bulgarian National Statistical Institute, INSEE-National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, SF-Statistics Finland, SSI-BBB Statistical office Berlin-Brandenburg, HSL-Statistical Office Hesse, CBS-Statistics Netherlands, SCB-Statistics Sweden, and ONS-Office for National Statistics.
Work Package 3's activities are divided into six use cases (UCs), each having distinct characteristics and specific goals:
- UC1 Characteristics of the real estate market
- UC2 Construction activities
- UC3 Online prices of household appliances and audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment (and generalising the data-collection to other activities)
- UC4 Experimental indices in tourism statistics (hotel prices)
- UC5 Business register quality enhancement
- UC6 Faster Economic Indicators using new data sources
Today's issue briefly explains how Work Package 3 activities progressed during the second project year. More detailed information about each specific UC is available in the dedicated Blog sub-sections.
During the first project year, the project partners performed an exploration of new data sources and programming and production of software. Now, we continue our dedicated and hard work following the next process steps - data acquisition, processing, modelling and interpretation steps.
Since the data acquisition and processing steps are notoriously arduous, the results achieved during the second project year are encouraging. The early identification of specific issues and the continuous improvement of the collection and processing methods and tools by the WP3 partners will tremendously improve the project's future modelling and interpretation stages.
For the second project year, a few significant challenges have been identified - the previously known data source structural change issues, the persistent problems with extracting variables of interest and the newly emerging issues with data processing.
To increase the visibility and transparency of the project and its results, the promotion activities of the project introduced the frequent publication of blogs dedicated to specific WIN work packages, available on various social media and Eurostat's CROS portal. WP3 regularly contributes to these blogs, providing content for its WP3 use cases and general work package information.
Interesting last insights from UC1: Characteristics of the real estate market, UC2: Construction activities, UC4: Experimental indices in tourism statistics, and UC5: Business register quality enhancement can be found in the Blog section.
To help build capability in the WIN community and to promote the project's activities to a wider audience, the WP3 also delivered a few webinars covering Business Registers Quality Enhancements, Innovative tourism Statistics and the Real estate market.
WP3 partners also contributed to Q2022 on several topics and the CARMA Conference.
If you would like to know more about our journey, how we overcame these obstacles and what results we have achieved, please follow our specific UCs blogs and do not hesitate to contact us if you have what it takes to contribute to our goals.
You can reach us via email at:
Galya Stateva, gstateva@nsi.bg
Maria Prokopova-Gochova, mgochova@nsi.bg
Published October 2023