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How the EDAMIS dataset lifecycle works

1/ Generalities

Datasets in EDAMIS follow a predefined lifecycle. During its life, the dataset has the following statuses:

In preparation -> Active -> Deactivated -> Deleted

When a dataset is created, it is in the “In preparation” status; at this stage, the users (Domain managers (DMAs) / Domain Co-responsible (COR)) are able to prepare the data collection, link providers/ consumers and set all the parameters and rights.

Once the configuration of the dataset is finalised, the DMAs / COR can request the activation or the deletion of the dataset to the Administrators (ADMs) of EDAMIS.

ADMs are the only users with rights to activate, deactivate or delete a dataset.

Once the dataset has been activated, the status changes to “Active”. The data collection is open and data providers / consumers are able to make or receive transmissions.

If the dataset is not used anymore for data transmission (e.g. the data collection has come to an end), the DMA / COR can request the deactivation of the dataset.

In case the dataset is not needed anymore, even for the Coverage report, the DMA or COR can request the deletion.

A dataset already active cannot be brought back to the “In preparation” status. In the same way, a dataset that was deactivated cannot be brought back to “Active” status.

At the Inventory / Dataset level of EDAMIS 4, a legend helps the users identify the status of the datasets:

EDAMIS icons and legends displaying status of dataset

2/ Explanation of the different statuses

2.1 “In preparation”

When the dataset is created, it is in status “In preparation”. In this status, the dataset has the following characteristics:

  • All fields of the dataset can be modified
  • No transmission is allowed and  the dataset is not displayed in any report
  • No email regarding the dataset will be sent, except the emails regarding the dataset creation and the request for activation

2.2 “Active”

Once a dataset becomes active, it has the following characteristics:

  • Modification of the different fields of the dataset is allowed
  • Notifications are sent
  • Data transmissions are possible and the dataset is displayed in the different reports
  • Correction of transmissions is possible through the Correct Monitoring Information (CMI)

2.3 “Deactivated”

The dataset is grayed in the inventory of EDAMIS and has the following characteristics:

  • For the general dataset fields, no update will be allowed
  • No email related to deactivated dataset will be sent, except the emails regarding the request for deletion and the deletion
  • Data transmissions are no longer possible and the dataset is displayed in the different reports
  • Correction of transmissions is possible through the CMI

2.4 “Deleted”

When the dataset is not needed anymore, it can be deleted. After the confirmation of the deletion, the dataset will not be displayed in any part of EDAMIS.