Data are collected by competent national authorities in each EU Member State and EFTA countries before being transmitted to Eurostat for further processing and dissemination.
Data are collected and structured according to agreed specifications that require to transmit data in a specific data format. The Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) is an international standard that has proved to facilitate the exchange of statistical data between data producers and consumers. Currently more than 40% of the data transmitted to Eurostat follow the SDMX standard.
Different tools have been developed to support national authorities and Eurostat to comply with their data requirements. In the data exchange scenario, the following tools may be used:
- SDMX IT tools such as Euro SDMX Registry, SDMX Converter or SDMX RI may be used by national authorities to comply with the agreed data structure
- EDAMIS, as the single entry point for data, national authorities are likely to use this tool to transmit the data to Eurostat
- Available validation services may be used in advance by national authorities to ensure that data is of sufficient quality
For more information on the ESS standards and tools for data transmission please visit the corresponding pages available on this platform or contact us at