[DK] Danish Labour Force Survey

• 13 November 2023

Full name of the series in original language

Arbejdskraftundersøgeksen (AKU)


(These metada come from Statistics Denmark, see more detailed documentation: http://www.dst.dk/declarations/857)

The purpose of the Labour Force Survey is giving a description of the labour market status of the Danish population. This description includes a classification of people into employed, unemployed or outside the labour force (economically inactive). The Labour Force Survey also manages to measure information like how many people are working part time; how many hours men in their 30s or 40s usually work; or how many elderly people outside the labour market would like to have a job. Furthermore, the survey provides detailed data on for example hours worked, conditions of employment, job search, and participation in courses and other education, for example in-service training or school courses. Consequently the survey can, among other things, estimate the number of employed people who work at home regularly; how many self-employed people who work during weekends; or how many people have found their job with the help of a public employment office.

The survey follows international guidelines from the International Labour Organization (ILO) on statistics on labour market status of populations. Labour Force Surveys are carried out in every European country as well as in many other countries around the world following common concepts and guidelines. This makes the Labour Force Survey the best Danish survey for international comparisons on labour market statistics.

The Danish Labour Force Survey has been conducted yearly since 1984, and from 1994 the survey has been conducted continuously throughout the year. In January 2007 the survey was expanded considerably and the data collection process was outsourced. In November 2011 a revised weighting method was implemented and data going back to 2007 were revised. The data series in StatBank Denmark were updated, applying the revised weights. The seasonally adjusted series in Statbank Denmark are revised three whole calendar years plus the current year. Older data are basically final.

Geographic coverage



Data are based on individuals, and contain both survey and register variables.

Time method

Longitudinal: Panel

Time period

1984 => 2011

Types of available microdata

Consistency type

 Public Use FilesScientific Use FilesSecure Use Files
PhD studentsN/AN/AN/A
Foreign researchersN/AN/AN/A

Access mode

 Public Use FilesScientific Use FilesSecure Use Files
Online accessN/AN/AN/A
For downloadN/AN/AN/A
Onsite accessN/AN/AN/A
Remote accessN/AN/AN/A
Remote executionN/AN/AN/A

Update date


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