Cimes - United Kingdom

• 3 October 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Office for National Statistics - ONS
Postal address
Customer Contact Centre - Room 1.101, Government Buildings - Cardiff Road - Newport , South Wales, NP10 8XG (United Kingdom)
General information: - Access to data team:
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

Data can be accessed for research, teaching and analysis purposes.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Same as for national researchers.

Conditions for students

Same as for confirmed researchers, if working under the supervision of a tutor.

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files

A growing number of files are made available from the website of ONS.

Scientific Use Files

Highly anonymised files are available from the UK Data Service (UKDS) acting as agent for ONS. Registration is required and the user must sign an End User Licence. The data can be used only for research, teaching, or personal educational development.
More detailed data are also available from UKDS. Registration is required and the user must sign an End User Licence or, in cases in which data are more detailed or more sensitive, Special Conditions or even a Special License. Some data files are only accessible to users affiliated to institutions belonging to the UK Access Management Federation.

Secure Use Files

Available in onsite and remote secure environments from both ONS (through its Virtual Microdata Laboratory, VML) and to some extent UKDS (formerly SDS, Secure Data Service; now Secure Lab). Users must: i) apply to become an ONS-Approved or (for UKDS) an ESRC- Accredited Researcher; ii) complete a User Agreement, and iii) attend training.
ONS and other partners are currently setting up four Administrative Data Research Centres for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These centres aim to develop new linked data collections from administrative sources, provide access to them, make sure they are used safely and effectively, and develop research capacity. The England centre is expected to open in autumn 2014.

Details & practical information
How long does it take to obtain data?

Public and scientific use files: access is immediate.
Approved researcher status: about 2 weeks

How much does it cost?

Access is free of charge. There is a fee only for commissioned tables, where they are requested.


Statistics and Registration Service Act of 2007:
Personal Data Protection Act of 1998:
Freedom of Information act 2000:
Administrative data research centres :


Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)

General Lifestyle Survey (GLS)

Health Survey for England (HSE)

Households Below Average Income

Integrated Household Survey

International Passenger Survey

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

Life Opportunities Survey

Living Costs and Food Survey (Expenditure and Food Survey)

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey

National Employer Skills Survey (NESS)

National Food Survey

National Survey for Wales

Offending, Crime and Justice Survey

Survey on living conditions (SLC)

United Kingdom Time Use Survey

Vital Statistics for England and Wales

Wealth and Assets Survey

Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS)

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