Book page

Luigi DI RAZZA • 24 October 2023

Content managers and site managers can create books. A book consists of multiple book pages which are organised in a hierarchical way. On each book page, you can see the structure of the book on the right. You can also use this structure to navigate between book pages. 

This functionality can be used for different purposes:

  • creating manuals (like the one you are reading right now :)
  • a resource library/Wiki.

    The most important things are that this functionality comes with a table of contentnormal users cannot create bookpages, and they do not appear in stream. We consider this a static content type, 



Book can be added via the '+' button in the header menu, or via the add content button in content overview page. 

Once a book is created, it can be linked to the menu or other content to make it easily reachable. 








How to create a hierarchy in a book

For creating a hierarchy, you have to perform an action on each bookpage that you want inside this hierarchy. To do this, go to the edit page of the bookpage that you want in your hierarchy. Next you should scroll down to the bottom where you see "Book outline" as illustrated in the picture below. Here you can link this page to an "Parent item", also shown in the picture. The Weight represents the order in the hierarchy.

An example of a hierarchy could be:

Book (frontpage)
- Bookpage 1 (detail page of BOOK and parent of Bookpage 1.1)
-- Bookpage 1.1 (detail page of Bookpage 1)
- Bookpage 2
- Bookpage 3
-- Bookpage 3.1
-- Bookpage 3.2
--- Bookpage 3.2.1


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