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Which browser version does EDAMIS4 support?

Below you will find the minimum browser requirements for EDAMIS 4:

  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based): Minimum supported version: 129 (released in August 2024).
  • Google Chrome: Minimum supported version: 129 (released in August 2024).
  • Opera: Minimum supported version: 95 (as it closely follows Chrome's versioning, but we recommend to stay up-to-date with the latest release).
  • Mozilla Firefox: 
    • Standard Release: Minimum supported version: 129 (released in August 2024).
    • Extended Support Release (ESR): Minimum supported version: ESR 115 (only supported until March 2025).

While we provide minimum version requirements, we strongly advise all users to regularly update their browsers to the latest available versions. This practice will help you:

  • Protect against the latest security threats.
  • Ensure compatibility with new web technologies.
  • Avoid performance issues or errors when accessing modern web applications.