CIMES - Denmark

• 21 September 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Danmarks Statistik (Statistics Denmark)
Postal address
Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 Copenhagen DENMARK
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

Researchers affiliated with pre-approved Danish research institutions can be granted authorisation to access register data, collected from the 1970s to the present. Access is given to data at personal level (individual persons or firms) for several years, albeit stripped of direct identifiers. Access is given on the basis of a need-to-know principle. Users can be authorised to link register data with data from other sources, such as surveys.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Non-resident researchers can get access to microdata through an affiliation to a Danish pre-approved research institution, which takes responsibility for use. What matters is affiliation (that is, the institution that takes responsibility and can be sued in case of breach) rather than physical location of the user (indeed authorised Danish researchers can connect to the system from abroad).

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files


Scientific Use Files


Secure Use Files

Requests should be addressed to the Division of Research Services [Click Here]. They should be accompanied by a detailed research project justifying the need for the microdata requested. Authorisation requires signature of an agreement between Statistics Denmark, the user, and a representative of their institution.
If access is granted, it takes place through researcher’s own computer over the internet, using a secure remote access system (in place since 2001), where the researcher works with the data without being able to export it, and outputs are systematically checked for statistical disclosure before release.

Details & practical information
How much does it cost?

Access is free of charge unless the user wishes to link register data to a customised survey. When the design of a particular survey is settled, Statistics Denmark provides a final price quote.

Information on access



ATP-Employment Statistics

Danish Labour Force Survey

Employment Statistics for Employees

Family Allowance and Child Benefits

Family Income Statistic

From General/Vocational Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate to Further Education

From Primary and Lower Secondary School to Further Education

Health - Municipal Indicators

Health Insurance Statistics

Household Budget Survey

Household and Family Statistics

Innovation Statistics

Personal Income Statistics

Registered Unemployment (Gross Unemployment Figures and Net Unemployment Figures)

Registered-Based Labour Force Statistics (RAS Statistics)

Structure of Earnings

The Attainment Register

The Population's ICT Skills

The Register for Health and Social Conditions

Total Labour Costs

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