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Smart surveys WP 1 - Coordination and integration

While a significant portion of WP1 focuses on project coordination, it also encompasses informational subjects such as terminology, definitions, and the current state of affairs regarding Smart Surveys Implementation (SSI) smart solutions. An important research component of WP1 is the perception survey. 

One of the primary objectives of SSI is to develop effective push-to-smart recruitment and motivation strategies. It is hypothesized that various instances of smart surveys, such as a smart household budget survey enabling receipt scanning and uploading, and a smart time use survey with daily stop-track segmentations, require tailored strategies. 

Additionally, it is believed that individuals and households commonly have objections and hesitations about smart features in general. The SSI smart perceptions survey, formally known as New Ways of Measuring Survey (NWMS), is conducted in Italy, Netherlands, and Slovenia to identify both general and topic-specific motivations and objections among the general population. 

The perception survey aims to achieve several specific goals, including gathering input to tailor and address respondent concerns in smart survey data collection strategies, offering alternative modes to respondents, understanding respondent preferences for data control and minimal involvement during data collection, informing legal-ethical officers about respondent perceptions, and assessing how achieving these goals depends on the survey topic and the country and the National Statistical Institute. 

The overall combined results are expected in the second phase of the project and will be included in the baseline stage deliverable.

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