Normative documents which have been evaluated and accepted by the principles and processes described in the previous sections are included into the Catalogue of ESS Standards. This catalogue accordingly holds a list of normative (but not legally binding) documents which members of the ESS are to consider in their development, production, and dissemination of official statistics.
The Catalogue currently features the following standards (the complete list can also be found on ShowVoc):
- Electronic Data file Administration and Management Information System (EDAMIS)
- ESS guidelines for seasonal adjustment (2015 Edition)
- ESS guidelines on temporal disaggregation, benchmarking and reconciliation (2018 Edition)
- ESS Handbook for quality and metadata reports (2021 re-edition)
- European business statistics methodological manual for business registers (2021 Edition)
- Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) 5.1
- Handbook on precision requirements and variance estimation for ESS households surveys
- International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011
- Methodology for data validation 2.0
- Single Integrated Metadata Structure V 2.0 (SIMS 2.0)
- Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange 2.0 (SDMX 2.0)
- Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange 2.1 (SDMX 2.1)