NTTS 2025


We are working on the agenda of the NTTS 2025 conference!

The previous edition, featured three exciting key notes and 40 parallel sessions, with more than 100 speakers!

The call for abstract is open! See below


New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) is an international biennial scientific conference series, organized by Eurostat, on new techniques and methods for official statistics, and the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems.

The purpose of the conference is both to allow the presentation of results from currently ongoing research and innovation projects in official statistics, and to stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects with the aim of enhancing the quality and usefulness of official statistics.

The NTTS conference series was initially triennial, and with the conference taking place in 1992 (Bonn), 1995 (Bonn), 1998 (Sorrento) and 2001 (Hersonissos, Crete). After a break of 8 years, the conference was re-launched on a biannual basis, and took place in Brussels in  2009, 2011, 20132015  2017 and 2019. NTTS 2021 was fully virtual, whereas NTTS 2023 took place in Brussels. 

NTTS 2025 will be hosted again in Brussels in the Charlemagne Building


The opening of our Call of Abstracts starts from June 1st.

In order to submit an abstract (max. 4 pages) please create an account at

and send it via the platform, using the template below:




All abstracts must be in ENGLISH and will undergo a double peer review process and will be evaluated against the following criteria:  

  • Methodological soundness
  • Relevance
  • Clarity
  • Practical application
  • Originality and innovation




Track A. Data collection and integration: Mixed-mode and web data collection; Adaptive and responsive survey designs; Non-response and response burden; Measurement of longitudinal phenomena; Multi-source statistics: data integration, inference, and data quality; New challenges in the measurement of vulnerabilities (economic insecurity, inequality, poverty); Use of administrative data and integrated statistical registries.

Track B. Innovation in Statistics –key drivers and opportunities: Management of innovation: from innovation (“Lab”) to statistical production (“Fab”); Non-traditional data sources including innovative statistical methods and quality aspects; Edge computing; Smart Surveys; Privacy preserving technologies applied to official statistics; Applications of complexity theory and network science; Blockchain, distributed ledgers and smart contracts applied to official statistics; ESS (European Statistical System) innovation agenda and network; Experimental statistics and statistics under development; Collaborating with private sector and academia.

Track C. Data analytics revolution: Data analytics for unstructured information; Generative AI; Artificial Intelligence in the context of official statistics; Semantic web; Natural language processing, large language models and large multimodal models; Machine learning; Synthetic Data; Skills and educational approaches for tomorrow’s official statisticians; Social data mining; Crowdsourcing and citizen statistics.

Track D. Estimation and analysis: Nowcasting and flash estimates; Time series analysis and revisions; Outlier detection; Seasonal adjustment; Econometric modelling; Variance estimation; Small area estimation; Microsimulation; GIS (Geographic Information Systems), regional and spatial statistics; Data Validation.

Track E. Dissemination, data reuse, communication, and users' outreach: Communicating uncertainty of official statistics; Visualization tools and infographics; Data storytelling; Collaborative and participative analytics; Methods for capturing user input, assessing user needs and user satisfaction; Statistical literacy in the data age; Public trust in official statistics; Statistical disclosure control, confidentiality, and privacy; Metadata; Data platforms and data-as-a-service; Technical and legal aspects around the use of confidential data of official statistics, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation); Open data; Multinational repositories and exchange/share/use of microdata.

Track F. Evolving Data ecosystem: New roles for Statistical offices including data stewardship models; Digital economy, digitalization (data from financial sector, health, environment, etc.); Sustainable use of natural resources; Ethics, digital skills, cybersecurity; Statistical systems in developing countries – opportunities and risk from alternative methods; Data policies and governance; Use of privately held data for public purposes; Data spaces. 

Track G. IT infrastructure, software, and tools: Open frameworks for replicability and reproducibility; Use of R in official statistics; Use of Python in official statistics; Open source and sharing codes (GitHub, etc.); Reusing tools and services; Applications of enterprise architecture and standards; Data architecture; Continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines.



Sophie Limpach (Chair, European Commission – Eurostat) 

Sophie Limpach is currently Director in Eurostat in charge of the Resources Directorate since 16 January 2024.

She was appointed Director by the European Commission on 1 March 2019 to lead the Business and Trade statistics Directorate within Eurostat.

She had been working in Eurostat since 2001 first as administrator in budget and human resources and then as Head of Unit in several areas of business and trade statistics (e.g. short-term business statistics, tourism statistics, international trade in goods statistics, production of manufactured goods statistics).


Mojca Bavdaž (University of Ljubljana)

Mojca Bavdaž is Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana. She is a member of the Methodological and Statistical Councils at the Slovenian National Statistical Institute and a former member of the EMOS Board. Her main research areas include measurement in economics and related data collection. She is also interested in dissemination, visualization and use of official statistics data.


Roeland Beerten (National Bank of Belgium)

Roeland Beerten is chief statistician at the National Bank of Belgium where he heads the statistics department, with responsibility for national accounts and financial statistics.  


Annamaria Bianchi (University of Bergamo)

Annamaria Bianchi completed her double PhD in Mathematics and Statistics for Computational Sciences at the University of Milan and in Sciences Mathématiques at the University Paris 6 in 2007. She is a survey statistician with interests in non-probabilistic methods for data collection and inference, the use of social media data to enhance survey research, adaptive survey designs, representativity indicators, and online panels and web surveys. She is also reference professor of the EMOS programme at the University of Bergamo. Since 2023 she is member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Since 2024 she is member of the Board of the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS).


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Francesca Kay (NSO, Ireland)

Francesca joined the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 2011, where she was the Director of both the Economics Statistics and Census and Data Collection Transformation programmes and was appointed as interim Director General for Data Capability at the ONS in 2019, covering technology, data, methodology and data science. Francesca moved to the Central Statistics Office in Ireland in 2020, where her current role is Chief Information Office with responsibility for technology, methodology, data science as well as population and vital statistics. She is also leading a EU consortium for the creation of a One-Stop-Shop for AI/ML in Official Statistics.


Alexander Kowarik (Statistics Austria)

Dr Alexander Kowarik is head of the methods unit at Statistics Austria with more than 15 years of experience working at an NSI. He is an active contributor to the R open-source community with a focus on official statistics application and participating in several international projects related to the usage of new data sources for the production of official statistics.


Diego Kuonen (Statoo Consulting & University of Geneva)

Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat, founded Statoo Consulting in 2001 and advises and consults businesses and government bodies in Switzerland and across Europe at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels on analytics and data science, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. He is also Professor of Data Science at the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Founding Director of GSEM’s new Master of Science in Business Analytics program.


Franck Noël

Franck Noël is director for Data, Information and Knowledge Management Services at the Publications Office of the European Union. Franck has 30 years of experience in information technology, artificial intelligence and digital transformation in both the private and public sectors. 


Dominika Nowak (Statistics Poland)

Dominika Nowak joined Statistics Poland in 2015. She is Head of Unit, Experimental Research and Analyses. She leads experimental research projects on the use of new data sources in official statistics, in particular, web data and administrative data. In addition, she has been involved in data science and big data capacity building, as well as modernization projects, both, at Statistics Poland and internationally. 


Serena Signorelli (JRC)

Serena Signorelli works as project officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. Her current focus is on the topic of Inclusive Data Governance as part of the Digital Economy Unit, while she previously acted as data steward for the project Computational Social Science for Policy, part of the JRC Centre for Advanced Studies.


Anna Smyk (INSEE)

Time series methodologist at Insee (French INS). 

Working on Seasonal Adjustment tools and methods, and mainly on JDemetra+ software, providing methodological support and training on seasonal adjustment and assistance in building production processes of seasonally adjusted data. Currently, in charge of the production of JDemetra+ v3.x online user documentation.


Mark Van der Loo (CBS - Statistics Netherlands)

Mark van der Loo is a senior methodologist at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and a Research Fellow at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science at Leiden University (LIACS). His research interests cover a broad range of topics in the areas of methodology and statistical computing.


Monika Wozowczyk (Eurostat)

Deputy head of the unit for methodology and innovation in official statistics at Eurostat. The unit provides methodological support for official statisticians across the EU, manages the European Master in Official Statistics and the European Statistical Training Programme, and organises access to confidential data for researchers. 


Markus Zwick (Destatis)

Markus Zwick is Head of the Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics of Destatis. He is engaged in different national and European projects concerning the implementation of new digital data sources into official statistics. Markus Zwick has been working at Destatis since 1996. 

An Inclusive, Digital and Green event

In a world where technology shapes our lives, we believe it's vital to include every voice. NTTS2025 is more than just a conference; it's a melting pot of ideas, cultures, and perspectives. We're ensuring that everyone feels welcomed and valued. Our commitment to inclusivity isn't just about who attends, but how they experience and contribute to the event. From keynotes to panels, every aspect of NTTS2025 is designed to be a reflection of the diverse world we live in.

Sustainability is a core principle for us. At NTTS2025, we're integrating eco-friendly practices at every level. From minimizing waste to choosing sustainable materials, we're dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint. Our green initiatives extend to our choice of venue, catering, and even the way we manage energy consumption throughout the event. 

The event will be webstreamed live.


Picture of Mariana Kotzeva



The speakers will be announced soon


Albrecht Wirthmann (Chair)

Dario Buono (Programme)

Luigi Di Razza (Web Management and Social Media)

Francine Kessler (Administrative Support)

Maria Isabel Lazaro (International Relationships)

Fernando Reis (Programme)

Cristiano Tessitore (Logistics)


Call for sessions (now closed): 4 March to 24 June 2024 

Opening Call for abstracts: 1 June 2024

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 September 2024

Notification of acceptance - Sessions:  31 July  2024

Notification of acceptance - Abstract: 16 November 2024

Registration opening: 01 October 2024

Registration deadline: 15 February 2025

Please note: 

- the accepted speakers are expected to participate in person to the event in Brussels

- The NTTS2025 event is free of charge for participants


For your inquiries, please contact the organizing committee at: