From Web to Data Conference - Day One Presentations
Opening Session and Keynote Speech
Heidi Kühnemann
Jacek Maślankowski
Donato Summa
Identifying official firm websites: a comparison of machine learning-based URL retrieval methods and AI-powered search engines
Caterina Liberati
Emiline Roger
Vladimir Kvetan
Annalisa Lucarelli
Development of a labour shortage indicator by occupation from OJA data
Mikołaj Tym, Jakub Żerebecki
Session Three - Online Based Enterprises Characteristics Use Cases
Chair - Olav ten Bosch
Josep Domenech
Evaluating the completeness of business databases: a comparison with official records using web scraping techniques
Ewelina Niewiadomska
Arnout Van Delden
Juergen Amann
Trade links: estimating interregional trade using weblinks
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