Conference Day 1

From Web to Data Conference - Day One Presentations

Opening Session and Keynote Speech

Watch the opening Session

Dominika Rogalińska

Albrecht Wirthmann

Marko Grobelnik



Session One - Web Scraping and Infrastructure

Chair: Alexander Kowarik

Watch the session

Heidi Kühnemann

URL finding: looking back, progress and plans for the future

Jacek Maślankowski

Providing online based enterprise characteristics with the Web Intelligence Hub

Donato Summa

Identifying official firm websites: a comparison of machine learning-based URL retrieval methods and AI-powered search engines

Caterina Liberati

Firms innovation capabilities and corporate websites: evidence on Italian SMEs

Mátyás Mészáros

State of play of the Data Acquisition Service (DAS) of the Web Intelligence Hub (WIH)

Session Two - Online Job Advertisements Use Cases

Chair: Fernando Reis

Watch the session

Emiline Roger

Leveraging online job advertisements for green skills analysis in France

Vladimir Kvetan

Assessment of classifiers using pre-defined data source

Annalisa Lucarelli

Development of a labour shortage indicator by occupation from OJA data

Mikołaj Tym, Jakub Żerebecki

Online job advertisements classification using encoder-like large language model

Donatas Šlevinskas

Combining online job advertisements with probability sample data for enhanced small area estimation of job vacancies

Adam Tsakalidis, Antonio Ranieri

Using language models for extracting regions of employment from online job vacancies

Session Three - Online Based Enterprises Characteristics Use Cases

Chair - Olav ten Bosch

Watch the session

Josep Domenech

Evaluating the completeness of business databases: a comparison with official records using web scraping techniques

Ewelina Niewiadomska

Online based enterprise characteristics (OBEC) in Statistics Poland

Arnout Van Delden

Use of dedicated business website to enhance the statistical business register in the Netherlands

Juergen Amann

Trade links: estimating interregional trade using weblinks

Material will be share upon request -

Vilma Nekrašaitė-Liegė

Applying survey sampling theory to web-scraped data: an analysis of OBEC data using the IPW estimator