Monday 7 October
Welcome address
Ms Marret Smekens (Statistics Netherlands)
Artificial Intelligence
Rafael Schmidt (BIS)
Enterprise-level implementation of SDMX / implementation scenarios
Allen Boddie (IMF) / David Barraclough (OECD)
Call for abstracts: proposals for contributions should be sent to
Tuesday 8 October
Brian Buffet (BIS)
Data modelling and semantic versioning
Yamil Vargas (IMF) / Glenn Tice (BIS)
Call for abstracts: proposals for contributions should be sent to
Semantic standardisation
Gyorgy Gyomai (OECD)
Wednesday 9 October
New releases of the SDMX standard
Bianca Ligani (BIS)
Using VTL in statistical processes: successful implementations, issues and improvement requests
Angelo Linardi (Banca d'Italia)
Call for abstracts: proposals for contributions should be sent to
SDMX and interoperability of standards
Ole Sorensen (ECB)
Call for abstracts: proposals for contributions should be sent to
Thursday 10 October
Global data exchange initiatives
Luca Gramaglia (Eurostat)
Business case for SDMX
Abdulla Gozalov (UNSD)
Microdata: modelling, linking and integration
Bilyana Bogdanova (BIS)
Call for abstracts: proposals for contributions should be sent to
Friday 11 October - morning
SDMX Cross Working Groups on Microdata*
Bilyana Bogdanova (BIS), Olivier Sirello (BIS)
Advanced Capacity Building – Low-code/no-code SDMX data pipelines automation
Jonathan Challener (OECD), Brian Buffett (BIS)
SDMX-SDG Working Group*
Abdulla Gozalov (UNSD)
Friday 11 October - afternoon
TWG meeting*
Matthew Nelson (BIS)
SWG meeting*
David Barraclough (OECD)
* By personal invitation only
(The only Friday session open to all registered workshop participants is the one on Advanced Capacity Building)